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Live sound

Show & Concert mixing for the savey!

Speaker 1

Fee's: These are catered to the individual band, location of gig's, time spent mixing the show & what you actually need me to do. General price's start at $50 per show and go up from there.
On a budget? No problem, just e-mail me from my link on this site and we can discuss price's.
Do'nt forget! I can help give you a live show sound catered to your band and band's sound. I know some trick's & tip's to give you that edge your looking for**.
What you get: Expierienced Sound Engineer
              A proffesional attitude
              Live show/concert mix
              Help with consoul set up
             *Help with stage set up
              Live automation of performance (as required)
              One free practice session
              Trouble shooting if needed
    *Can tech your instrument/s additional fee required.
   **Additional fee required as I will not only perform the tricks but I will teach you what I am doing so you can take this with you for future gig's. Might require additional outboard gear and microphone/s paid for by client.