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Studio Designs

"Make the complicated sound simple"

Consultation for the proffesional and the non-proffesional world of studio and sound designs.
I can build you a studio from the ground up, add to your current studio, help you select the right equipment/gear and help you troublshoot your problem.
Rates: $50 an hour. The first hour (ie: initial contact and discription of what you need) is FREE! There is a 2 hour minimum after consultation.
The following questions are designed to help with the construction of your studio. Please note that if you already have something asked by a question, you should still include this in your answers and say already have____in studio. 
To answer questions, please highlight questions, copy and paste into a word document on your computer. Upon complition, e-mail me with your filled out questionare along with your full name and a phone number of where to be reached.
 Atatchments will not be opened! Must be in body of e-mail!

Studio Design



1. What is your system for?

A. Proffesional recording studio B. Home recording studio C. Proffesional video editing D.Personal video editing E. Portable recording F. Concert sound

2. Which Platform is going to be used?

A. Analouge Counsle Workstation

B. Digital Audio Workstation

C. Computer based system (mac or pc?)

D. Tape.

3. Please describe what type of enviroment this will be in.

A. How big is the room?

B. Is there a noise problem from surrounding buildings?

C. Is there buildings near by making you have to be quiet?

D. Is the room square /angled?

E. What type of celling is in the room? (vaulted, drywall, industrial, other)

F. Other please list.

4. What type of music will you be doing?

Please list style along with your title (ie; producer, engineer, mixing engineer, ext...)

5. How many inputs & outputs needed?


#Line Level:

# of busses:

# of aux:

# of inserts:

6. Will you be using Midi?

A. How many peices of gear?

7. What type of monitors will you need?

A. Main/audiance

B. Near/stage

C. Side mix for stage

8. What outboard proccesors will you be using?

How many?

9. Please describe your goals with your new system.


n. hollywood 012.jpg
Zac on a SSL 4000 G+

Thankyou for visiting my site, don't forget to check out the music section on this site!